(760) 565-3799 hello@derosedisplays.com

Digital billboard advantages

Day & Time flexibility

Digital billboards give you the ability to target your messages to specific times of day, days of the week, seasons, & holidays.

For example, if you have a Friday special, you can set the ad only to run on Fridays.

If you are a restaurant advertising breakfast & dinner specials, you can set those ads according to the time of day.

Quick & Easy to Edit

Digital billboard ads can be uploaded and go live within a matter of hours eliminating time and printing costs.

Create new & fresh ads every few weeks to keep people engaged and looking at your ad!

React to what works best — Switch out one photo for another, update an event time that may have changed, reflect a reduction in price or last minute sale.

Dynamic content

One of the most effective features of digital billboards is the ability to dynamically update information from other sources and include it directly into your advertisement.

Time-sensitive, relevant facts and interesting information can be pulled from the internet through the use of RSS feeds to make your ads more valuable.


Countdown to a special event, holiday, or sale.

Upcoming Events

Have a venue where events are constantly being updated? New acts? New artists? New shows? Movie theaters, concert venues and a host of other businesses can benefit by having new information posted dynamically.

Time / Temp / Traffic

Show up-to-the- minute time, today’s forecast, or current road conditions. Great for any brand and a sure crowd pleaser.

Sports Scores

Sports radio, local colleges, or sports bars can automatically post scores from various games.


If you have visual information that is posted on a website, digital billboards can dynamically lift those pictures and include them in your ads. For example, real estate agents can automatically show off new listings with a dynamic photo, price, & description.

Social Media

Complement your social media efforts by integrating accounts to engage your audience.